Hi! 👋 I'm Dejan

Over eight years of experience in the user interface and usability world, specializing in
the creation of Website and Mobile interfaces.
Let’s make something amazing together!


UI/UX Designer
Intertec.io, Skopje, Macedonia • 2019-Present
Head of products UI design. I have been working in Intertec for the past years and I am responsible for building and improving existing UI/UX concepts for different clients such as Meraxis, Feel the Kaha, Franksmile, Sudor, Kale, Macedonia2025, Salamander, LabV, and also our own product like Routyx.UI/UX Designer
Helptapp LLC, New York, US • 2023-Present
As the Lead UX/UI Designer, I am in charge of building the software and mobile apps that HelpTapp brings to market.Through intuitive design and seamless integration, my work aims to improve the user experience, empowering agencies with tools for fast and effective emergency management and response.UI Designer
ViiPay, Frankfurt, Germany • 2021-Present
I am working as a part-time UI Designer at ViiPay. I am responsible for creating new features for their point of sale app (POS), making designs, and improving the UX part. Besides that, I am working on
designing an online shop that is part of it and connected with the POS system.
UI Designer
Upkey LLC, Chicago, Illinois, US • Dec, 2020 - Jun, 2021
I was hired as a part-time UI Designer at upkey.com. I was working on re-designing Upkey's dashboard and designing new features that were foreseen by their team. Improvements to the existing UX part, including graphic illustrations, and responsive design for tablet and mobile.UI Designer
NG Solutions GmbH, Urtenen-Schönbühl-Bern, Switzerland • 2015-2019
Head of products UI design. I have accumulated a lot of experience while building several product designs, from concept to prototype and finished design. I was involved in multiple projects, including Gastro CMS, Ascom, Roots and several other that were a proper challenge that ended up being very useful addition to my designing skills.UI Designer
UI Designer • 2014-2015
UI Designer as a freelancer on websites like upwork.com, freelancer.com and much more, where I started as a designer and learned most of my skills and the will to continue doing this moving forward.

About me

I am a UI designer based in Poland. For the past eight years, I have been working as a designer for commercial business, web design, and custom UI/UX solutions. I specialize in building perfect user interfaces.I practice building minimalistic design and good typography while at the same time creating functional concepts, and strong UX.I enjoy collaboration with other designers and development teams. Within my career, through practice I have learned a lot design, aesthetics, and about users and their behaviour – both end-users and business associates.

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."-Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Do you need a professional UI Designer for your project or company business?
You are in the right place.
Want to learn more? You can contact me and I will reply as soon as possible.

☝️ Keep in mind that if you want to get in touch with me, the only way is through Upwork

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